Bearded Collie Information on the breed. Affectionately called a Beardie. This page directs you to complete information through the Bearded Collie standards and general description, photos, drawings clip art and links. Make sure to visit the Bearded Collie chat - discuss the breed or make friends. We also provide general dog advice and direct you to a huge amount of Bearded Collie information including herding, agility, obedience and health.. You can also learn about Hobo himself and enjoy his specials and animation and articles on the Bearded Collie and related subjects. We would like to make your stay enjoyable, help you learn about the breed and have fun.
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HOBO the Bearded Collie or Beardie

Bearded Collie Hobo
© copyright -1996 - 2004

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Below you will find Bearded Collie categories separated by what you are looking for. You can go Directly to what you want to find. Hobo will show you his personal information in one category and all the Bearded Collie Information in another. We hope you will check in on Hobo. But if you are here just to find out about the Bearded Collie then you can find your subject faster

Bearded Collie Information
Hobo's Information
General Dog Information

Bearded Collie Description
- Reasons not to own a Beardie
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
.... excersise, health, grooming,
.....choosing a breeder, rescue
- Books - Bearded Collie (description)

- Books about Beardies (fiction)
- Early History of Bearded Collies

A first on the web!
1891 Dogs of Scotland or
Full Scan Version (777KB)
- Bearded Collie chapter
adobe acrobat reader

- Bearded Collie Collectibles (listing)
....tobacco, post, playing cards, stamps

Bearded Collie Links (100s)

Bearded Collie Free Clip Art
...these free for your website

Bearded Collie Chat
Beardies In the Media
Beardie Paintings and Drawings
...these are copyright protected

Join the BeardieList

..Link to find out How to Join


Photos of Hobo Includes animations
.. Hobo's Dad's artwork
... Hobo's Chrismas Special all year
Email Hobo
Hobo's brother Checkers Page
Hobo's brother Rags Page

Advice Column
Dog Links
Search Engines we use
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Hobo Beardie Home.Bearded Collie animation ©  © copyright -1996 - 2004

Want to see the original Hobo Animation? Click Here

Web design and images including background concept © copyright -1996 - 2004 Glenn D. Short all rights reserved.
Remember - the animating and images are Internationally copyrighted and may be trademarked
Based on the provisions of US Copyright Law and the Berne Convention,
you may not take, modify, adapt, translate, or create derivative works based on the
     images from Hobo's pages without the prior written consent of the copyright holder © copyright -1996 - 2004.
(So please don't take them without permission)
Hobo always provides references and gains permissions for use of work from others.

Bearded Collie Information provided by Hobo - hope you see all the other bearded collie pages on the net