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We don't sell books - But thought you would like to learn
what is available or was available for your collection.
If you know of a book we should include - please email Hobo
Mabel Takes a Sail
by Emily Chetkowski Ill by Dawn Peterson. J. N. Townsend Publishing. ISBN 1880158264
Published 2000 Paperback 64 pages.
Teaches children about boating safety by teaching puppy Maxine - recommended
for young children. Mabel is in fact a real Beardie or at least a Neardie.
- Mabel takes
the Ferry by Emily Chetkowski. Heritage Publishing; ISBN: 0929537017
Last Published 1995, paperback 32 pages
Mabel Takes the Ferry is based on the true story of an island dog's infamous
unauthorized ferry trip to the mainland one fine summer day. Mabel, mostly Beardie,
loved to go sailing in Penobscot Bay. Ine day there was no room in the boat
so Mabel was left behind. Being a typical curious Beardie she managed to follow
thed the crowd onto the ferry headed for the mainland. She fit right in, everyone
believed she was someone else's dog. Mabel spends the day playing on Lincolnville
Beach, dines at theLobster Pound restaurant located there, and has a wonderful
time. All the while her owner searches for her on the island. Finally she is
rescued the next day - and gets her sail boat ride home. This one is around
still in some specialty on line book stores and will be re-published soon.
The Adventures of
Raisa A Beardie Puppy by K. Suzanne Moorhouse and Illustrated by Nick Upton.Willowmead
Publications. ISBN 0 9521109 2 X . Published in 2002. A delightful and amusing
tale of a Beardie puppy and her first adventures. A childrens paperback book
with beautiful colour illustrations on every other page.
Little Dog Lost by
Suzanne Moorhouse - Illustrated by Chet Jezierski, The Book Guild, Sussex England,
ISBN 1857761812
published 1997, Hardcover 122 pages. Honey, a seven month old Bearded Collie
becomes lost one day. The search goes on for days. The ordeal of Honey's adventures
are told by Honey herself. Wonderful illustrations contact:.
The following are out of print - but may be found at some used book stores or on line auctions.
Bentley and Blueberry
by Randy Hauk for the Humane Society of the United States. ISBN 1-882728-00-9
Published 1993 and can be found in both Hardcover and paperback - often with
a stuffed Blueberry toy and a cassette tape.
Based on a true story. Bentley raised from a puppy with all the luxuries of
a good home. Blueberry out in the cold and taken to a dog shelter. Ms. Moody
rescues Blueberry and everyone lives happily ever after. Written in a rhyme
format. The moral of the story is of course - you can find a nice pet at the
Jake by Deborah King
Random Century Group ISBN 0-09-173656-0
Last published 1990. Previously published 1988 by Hutchinson Children Books.
Hardcover 29 pages.
Wonderfully illustrated (pastel like). A day in the life of Jake as he searches
for "Grandpa" along the Dorset (England) coast line. He thinks out
loud through the day. Typical Beardie (because he really was a Beardie), Jake
bothers sunbathers, plays in the sand and surf and gets into all sort of mischief
- which seems natural. What the heck, get wet - just dry off with a roll in
the sand before heading home.
Owd Bob by Alfred
Ollivant - the Grey Dog of Kenmuir (see below)
Published many times since originally written in 1898. In fact, this is the
most highly published dog book of all times. There were millions of copies published
by the early 1900s. Since we are referring to Bearded Collies, the primary interest
is in just a few illustrated editions. Other version show Owd Bob as a Border
Collie, Rough Collie and various other. In fact, we know that in the Scottish
countryside there were dozens if not hundreds of variations of sheep dog. The
fact that Bob was grey narrowed it down a bit - but those who valued their dogs
for herding were interested primarily in just that. No wonder the old books
call many a dog a "cur." We who value the Bearded Collie, as an breed
from hundreds of years ago, imagine Owd Bob as a Beardie.
They two most highly sought versions of Owd Bob were published by William Heinemann LTD (London, Toronto) in 1937 and 1947 - listed as Illustrated Edition. These were illustrated by K.F.Barker - and the illustrations are of Bearded Collies. The 37 edition is much larger and has of course larger illustrations than the '47 version which is more of a pocket edition. Both have the dust cover shown above Often this book has been described by booksellers in other editions as having a Beardie. But that is not necessarily so (or likely) |
![]() Owd Bob - Ill by K.F. Barker |
![]() Owd Bob in 1903 Doubleday & McClure |
Beware that many of those actually have a black and white drawing or photoplate that is viewed from the back and could be just about any type of dog (including border collie). The A. L.Burt 1898 version has a front leaf that could be looked at as a Bearded Collie as does the 1903 version by Doubleday & McClure. Looking further into the later - there are various dogs photographic plates - obviously different dogs and obviously the publisher used whatever was on hand. However, there is one addition photo that is likely closely related to a Beardie. |
The story itself is simply about a herding dog and its pastoral existence.
But the nature of that particular dog has described the Bearded Collie in the
view of many who own or know them. Perhaps it was the author's intent, or perhaps
a characteristic of the typical herding dogs of the highlands. Note that Ollivant
himself never said anything about the particular breed, nor did he provide photos
or drawings. His description "was a veteran collie, whose grey-flecked
muzzle lay along the boards, while her eyes blinked large, eternal love, as
they rested on their God, Hero Ideal of the Perfect Being, thus steeping off
his debauch." Or perhaps Ollivant's referral to a "Noble head"
or his description "Should you, while wandering in the wild sheep land,
happen on the moor or in the market upon a very gentle knight, clothed in dark
grey habit, splashed here and there with rays of the moon; free by right divine
of the guild of gentleman, strenuous as a prince, lithe as a rowan, graceful
as a girl, with high king carriage, motions and manners of a fairy queen, should
have a noble breadth of brow, and air of still strength born of right confidence,
all unassuming; last and most unfailing test for all, should you look into two
snow clad eyes, calm, wistful, inscrutable, their soft depths clothed on with
eternal sadness-yearning, as is to be said, for the soul that is not theirs
- know then that you look upon one of the line of the most illustrious sheepdogs
of the North"