HOBO's First Christmas (The Land of Claws) IMPORTANT NOTICE : All MIDI files and Graphics are provided with intention not to violate any copyrights.. If you find any files that must not be viewed please inform me. Most Graphics are origional and (C) copyright by myself Glenn D. Short, all rights reserved 1996/97/98 and are not to be copied or reproduced without express permission of the author. Other Graphics have either been identified by source on the web page or reference given here. MIDI files and sound bites are freely available in various places on the Internet. and are all freely accessible for every Internet user. No commercial MIDI or audio packs or files from games software have been used. MIDI files cannot replace professional recordings on CD or MC. Midi file here are for personal listening and not for redistribution. Available locations and references are provided where known. |
OTHER GRAPHICS Some of the clip art used are free for use (with permission if page requires it) from:
Santa Face on page 6 derived from image at Christmas.com use with permission. Special Thanks Santas, sleighs, bells, stockings have been used-( and they have backgrounds , buttons, lines etc.) at - "Christmas Clip Art" and some Midis here as well. Unfortunately that site is no longer on the net. Page 3 - Video Capture from Disney'sThe Santa Claus now available on Home Video. Hobo loves this movie and Tim Allen. Pictures of sheep modified from actual images found at - Breeds of Livestock - Sheep Breeds- http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/sheep/ MIDI FILES holiday.mid - Acknowledgements * from the IBM OS/2 MMPM/2 distribution * also found at Donald L. Meyer (under a little music) http://w3.aces.uiuc.edu/DLM/ ......and Midi Might -http://www.aisp.net/midi.html-ssi - AND http://www.midifarm.com/files/midifiles/General_MIDI/CHRISTMAS/- The Midi Farm (http://www.midifarm.com/) but not listed among those under copyright. The Midi Farm does state for other midi file copyrighted by Roland:(at http://www.midifarm.com/merry_christmas.htm) : These files are copyrighted © by Roland Corp. US and are for personal enjoyment and may not be distributed or altered for public performance etc. It's up to you how the whole MIDI file copyright mess ends up so please use your head! This file is also very widely available on the net. AND Christmas Songs Page http://www.catholic.net:80/RCC/music/midi/christmas/index.html Most of the other midi files may be found at many of the following locations, or are recreated by the authors. silent.mid (silent night) One search engine found this file at over 30 locations - generally for distribution. It is available in many formats and the one used is unique and not copy protected (at least not here on earth). http://www.iaccess.com.br/musica/natal.html is the Natal site (gs-silent), another is australia is http://www.towersoft.com.au/staff/ian/music/midi/noel/ . A site called Christmas Midi Files at http://deckernet.com/shed/xmasmidi.shtml as this under the title silentnight.mid and a completely different version under silent.. The best of Christmas Midi has a version of silent.mid at http://www.ilinks.net/~manifesto/sound/xmas/ AND http://www.aisp.net/midi.html-ssi AND Christmas Songs Page http://www.catholic.net:80/RCC/music/midi/christmas/index.html angles2.htm is similar to the version of Angles We Have Heard on High used on page 18 and is available at The Midi Farm ( http://www.midifarm.com/ )at http://www.midifarm.com/merry_christmas.htm as well as many other sites. Another name is angles.mid for the Natal site at http://www.iaccess.com.br/musica/natal.html The Christmas Midi File has a version http://deckernet.com/shed/xmasmidi.shtml. The Best of Midi Christmas at http://www.ilinks.net/~manifesto/sound/xmas/ has this listed as angleshe.mid and is basically a remix. Other sites include: ftp://ftp.xensei.com/pub/users/savilon/midi/MIDI_Files/Christmas/ ...http://darkstar.rsa.lib.il.us/~wbeckner/midi/xmas.html... The Cathlic net has a Christmas Songs page at http://www.catholic.net:80/RCC/music/midi/christmas/index.html. listing angleswehave.mid Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - sugplum.mid Daves Midi files http://snake.srv.net/people/daveb/daveb.html I have seen this file on other sites listed above or through the links below but this is a good modification. Merry little Christmas from the Christmas Songs page http://www.catholic.net:80/RCC/music/midi/christmas/index.html free for downloading from this Catholic Net site.Music Box page by Eric Goldberat http://www.bridge.net/~gold/mb/midi/midi.htm has some general collections of Christmas music in zip format For Hundreds of more locations where these and more Chrismast Songs can be found go to Standard MIDI Files on the Net Information SOME SOUND EFFECTS (au files) Sound effects can be found similar to those used at -Wave Central Sound Effects-or http://www.cityvu.com/WAVES/NOISES/-or http://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/multimedia/sun-sounds/sound_effects/-or record them yourself (all these are easy..). |
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