BANNERS to Link to Hobo's Bearded Collie Page (Home)

As we have said - the images on Hobo's Bearded Collie Pages are copyright protected © copyright -1996 - 2004 and may be trademarks of Hobo.  The images on this page may be used by you to link to Hobo.  If you take them, you agree that the artwork and image are the sole property of G. D. Short and that you will use them only to link to Hobo.  They may not be altered in any way.  You also agree that your pages are "Family Friendly"  which means you have no content that is not suitable for viewing by children (no adult photos or nasty language).  If you meet these requirement and wish to link to Hobo, then we agree to allow you to use the images on this page,

Banners should be used in a manner that when you click on them they will take you to the referenced page.
Did you know that the use of your Banner reduces your chance of being found by a search engine?  Most Search Engines read the text rather than the hidden link essentially ignore the image)  It is best to include a small text link as well as shown in the examples.

Since these are working banners, just click to return to Hobo's pages

Just right click on the image and save it to be place on your link page.

These four are for Hobo's Home page index.html

Hobo the Bearded Collie

300 x 60 - 8 kb (most efficient)
note - with animations it is best to leave a blank space before the image (use space bar).

Hobo the Bearded Collie
468x 60 - 11kb

Hobo the Bearded Collie
400 x 75 -  7 kb
Works best if you want to see the banner on this one

Hobo the Bearded Collie

I left the border added by the link to demonstrate this one.
400 x 75  - 23 kb
as you can see, doesn't work well on color backgrounds other than grey or white
We will try to improve this banner in the future (lots of hard work).

This one for Hobo's Advice Column index.htmladvice/advice.htm

Hobo's Advice Column (Hobo the Bearded Collie)

250 x 100 - 4 kb

Thanks for linking to Hobo - make sure you are in Hobo's Beardie Links or Dog Links by returning to Hobo's main page and clicking on the buttons. (Use the banners above, click on them and return to Hobo's main page).

Hobo's First Christmas - Animated Story Link this to

HOBO's First Christmas- Read the Story of Hobo's First Christmas. Hobo helps save Christmas from the Evil Claws. This year it is a tradition.  Maybe you have read the story - but the link is here because this page is now used by many as a Christmas Resource. 

USE The Banner to link our Christmas site on your page!