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Welcome to my advice column.  Remember, I am only a dog like you.  My opinions are to the best of my knowledge but are only opinions, researched or what I feel is correct..  The writer of this page is not responsible for any actions the reader may take as a result of reading this column.  If that is OK with you, keep reading.  If not, then go back and enjoy the other pages.You can address your questions to Hobo by email with the topic Hobo's Advice (click on my picture)
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Disaster - Sometimes I just add some advice that seems appropriate to discuss - here is one such column:
What do you do in the case your house catches on fire or there is a natural disaster?  Unfortuantely we tend to put off thinking about these things, and sometimes when we do plan, we think only of the humans. There are some precautions we take in any event, like keeping a fire estinquisher handy, installing smoke detectors and so on.  Do you have these in your kennel or near where your dog sleeps? You may keep important bank records off site and away from the home - but how about your pet's papers?  There are certain things you can do.  Some of these include:
  • Proper identification - microchips, tatoos, (nametags can be removed - and some people take them off in the house)
  • Make sure your pets have been vaccinated within the last  12 months. Pet shelters may require proof of  Rabies Vaccine, Distemper/Parvo, Coronavirus, and  Bordetella (Kennel Cough)
  • Make sure your neighbors are familiar with your dog - and you with their pets.
  • Post information in a window or somewhere emergency people see it that tells how many pets you have.
  • Have a medical kit available for your dog too - any special medications?
  • Know where the nearest animal shelters are - so you can find a lost pet.  Also those within a 50 mile radius.
  • Make a list of animal behavior consultants or trainers. (you may need one after the disaster is over).
  • Keep photo's of your pet somewhere they will be available if you have to leave your house.
  • Storms - Plan evacuation routes to veterinary hospitals, boarding kennels, family or friends situated on higher elevations - well in advance of the storm. 
  • Pets under medication should be sheltered at a veterinary hospital.
  • Check to see if your comunity has a disaster plan - does it include animals?  Ask your local humane society.

You can even prepare a disaster kit for your buddy - include:
  • Food and water - vacuum sealed food doesn't require a can opener.
  • Bowls
  • Leashes and spare collar with identification - might be a good idea to have a temporary tag(s) you can write on -- just in case you are going to be living somewhere else for a period of time.  Also note that a harness may be preferable in case the dog is anxious and might slip out of the collar.  Also you may want to include a tie chain.
  • Crate - (one good reason for crate training) airline or collapsible wire crate, to transport your pet(s) should you have to evacuate. Make sure it is large enough for your dog to lie down and have room for water and   food dishes.
  • Medical kit - for you and your dog - make sure to have a dog medical care handbook. Collect all the items sugested in the handbook - you can order a pet first aid book from the Red Cross and the Humane Society of the United States. Or get it at your local Red Cross, or order from your local book store (ISBN 1-57857-000-X). (about $10 for the 128 page book which features more than 130 illustrations).  The kit should at least contain:
    • Absorbent gauze pads (4"X4")
      Absorbent gauze rolls (3"X1 yard)
      Antiseptic wipes
      Betadine or Provodine
      Conforming bandages (3"X5")
      Cotton-tipped applicators (3")
      Emollient wipes
      Eye wash liquid
      Instant cold pack
      Latex gloves
      Non-adherent absorbent dressing
      Stop bleed powder
      Zinc oxide tape (3/4" X 1 yard)
  • Your vet's telephone number and address - also that of a 24 hour pet emergency facility.
  • Numbers for police, fire, post office and other service
  • The numbers of motels that allow pets - you might want to ask some if they would allow pets in an emergency or disaster.
  • List of pet & feed stores
  • Photos of your pet. - Maybe pre-made posters in case you become separated.
  • Pooper scooper and plastic bags  for disposing of the pet’s waste. Disposable dog clean up.
  • Dog Boots - in case your dog is required to walk in areas of glass or other sharp objects.
  • A toy.
  • Animals brought to a pet shelter maybe required to have: 

  • 1. ID 
    • collar and rabies tag
    • on all belongings 
    2. Leash
    3.Carrier or cage 
    4.Food supply (at least two days)
    5.Water and food bowls 
    6.Care instructions (i.e., medication, diet, etc.) and any necessary medications.
    9. Means for handling waste (newspapers, trash bags, etc.) 
In the event that you might have to leave your pet - you may want to consider having a food source
such as a timed food dispensor, and an open water source available at all times where it can be easily accessed.
If you can think of more items - please email me (click my image at the top of the page) and I will add them.
Other resources on the net include: